Therapy- Mann ki baat

OrendaCure Chronicles
5 min readNov 8, 2021

What Is Therapy?

The process of consulting with a counselor to resolve troublesome behaviour, thoughts, emotions, interpersonal concerns, and/or somatic reactions is known as therapy, sometimes known as psychotherapy or counselling. Therapy may help you become the finest version of yourself and live the greatest life possible, regardless of the issues you’re facing. You may enhance your relationships, address unpleasant feelings, and modify self-destructive behaviour.

Which therapy is the most effective for you?

Different counsellors offer distinct forms of therapy to their clients. Check out the options below to see what works best for you:

  1. Psychodynamic treatment (PDT)

You’ll engage with a therapist to investigate the link between your unconscious mind and your behaviour in psychodynamic therapy. Examining your feelings, connections, and mental habits are all part of this process. It can help with depression, stress, eating disorder, somatic complaint, drug use disorder, and a number of other issues.

2. Behavioral therapy

You won’t spend that much time in behavioural therapy discussing underlying causes for your conduct or working through emotional concerns. Instead, you’ll concentrate on techniques to alter distressing behavioural reactions and habits. It can help with anxiety, substance abuse, and phobias.

3. Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)

In CBT, you will focus on spotting patterns and understanding more about how they could negatively influence you. You will work with your therapist to find strategies to substitute harmful thought patterns or actions with more useful ones. It can help with mood disorders, OCD, sleeplessness, and certain schizophrenia symptoms.

4. Humanistic Therapy

Your therapist will assist you in achieving your objective of leading the most satisfying life by allowing you to be your genuine self. You will spend time addressing the challenges you are struggling with as well as discovering strategies to improve and improve self-acceptance. This treatment is beneficial for dealing with a variety of issues.

When should you go to therapy?

You may take a bit of time to decide whether or not you’re prepared for treatment. You might want to pause and see whether time, lifestyle changes or encouragement of family and friends will help you with the problem you’re having.

If any of the following emotions are interfering with your life, counselling may be able to help you minimise their impact. It’s especially vital to get treatment if you’re feeling dominated by symptoms or if they’re causing damage to you or others.

  1. Overwhelm- You may feel as though you have too much to accomplish or too many problems to deal with. You may feel unable to sleep or even breathe. It may wreak havoc on one’s physical health.
  2. Fatigue- This physical ailment frequently occurs as a result of or in conjunction with mental health difficulties. It might be a sign of depression. Fatigue might make it difficult to get out of bed every morning or force you to sleep longer than usual.
  3. Rage, indignation, or hatred that is out of proportion- At times, everyone feels enraged. Even an outburst of wrath isn’t always bad. When these sentiments don’t go away, are out of proportion to the circumstances, or cause you to take violent or possibly hazardous activities, it’s a good idea to get help.
  4. Agoraphobia- People who suffer from agoraphobia are afraid of being trapped or having panic episodes in public areas. Some people may find it difficult to leave their homes.
  5. Thoughts that are anxious or obtrusive- It’s natural to worry about things now and then, but when anxiety consumes a large portion of your day or creates physical problems, counselling can help you cope.
  6. Apathy- Decreasing participation in activities, the environment around you, or life generally might be a sign of sadness or anxiety.
  7. Hopelessness- Depression or similar mental health illness might make you lose hope, or make you feel as if you have no tomorrow. It’s normal to feel dismal from time to time, particularly after a terrible period. However, if it continues, it may lead to suicidal thoughts.
  8. Withdrawal from social situations- When people are willing to spend at least some hours alone, they often feel much better. Introverts may require much more solitary time than others. However, if you are worried or fearful around others, counselling can help you to understand and cope with these sentiments.

Which Therapist is RIGHT for YOU?

Finding an appropriate psychotherapist will most likely take some time and effort, but it will be worthwhile. Your relationship with your counselor is essential. You need someone whom you can trust — someone with whom you can discuss tough topics and personal secrets, and who will be a companion in your rehabilitation.

While seeking for the ideal therapist for you, keep the following considerations in mind:

  • It is important to have prior experience. Experience is one of the key motivations for seeing a counselor. Look for a counselor who has experience with the issues you’re dealing with. Experienced therapists have encountered the issues you’re dealing with before, which broadens their perspective and provides them with additional insight.
  • Learn about the various therapy approaches. Many therapists use a combination of approaches. However, it’s a good idea to understand about the various therapy methods because this might influence how your therapist interacts with you and the duration of treatment recommended.
  • Trust your instincts. Even if your therapist appears to be a good fit on paper, if the relationship doesn’t feel right — if you don’t trust them or believe they actually care — find someone else.


You are not alone in dealing with life’s troubles; many individuals are going through similar hurts, struggles, and concerns, and many people are seeking assistance and maturing via therapy. There are several reasons why people seek the assistance of a counsellor. Don’t allow typical misunderstandings or misconceptions about therapy keep you from seeking assistance. It is a myth that persons who seek treatment are “mad” or “damaged.” Countless individuals around the world suffer from mental health issues, and treatment is available. We hope you found whatever you were looking for in this blog.

Feel better with OrendaCure!

-Swati Kewlani



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