How to become a stress-proof student?

OrendaCure Chronicles
3 min readNov 23, 2021


Most students are under a lot of stress, and this stress can have a negative impact on their health, happiness, and academics. According to a research conducted by the American Psychological Association (APA), teen stress levels are comparable to those of adults.

Stress can have a greater impact on health-related habits such as sleep patterns, food, and exercise. This is reasonable, given that over half of APA survey respondents reported doing three hours of homework every night on top of their full day of schoolwork and extracurriculars.

Another study indicated that school and activities cause a lot of stress in high school children, and that this chronic stress can last into college years, leading to academic disinterest and mental health issues.

Students in high school confront great competition in taking difficult classes, accumulating remarkable extracurriculars, preparing and acing college placement exams, and making significant and life-changing decisions about their future. At the same time, students must deal with the social obstacles that come with high school.

If an adolescent aspires to attend college, the stress will continue if they are admitted, as they will need to establish new acquaintances, manage a more demanding schoolwork, be without parental assistance in many cases, and negotiate the stressors that come with more independent living. Romantic relationships often come with an additional layer of stress.

What are the symptoms?

If any of the following apply to you, you may wish to seek stress relief:

  • You’re having trouble coping with stress
  • Things you’re doing on your own aren’t working.
  • Your life or university work is being affected by stress.

You may try talking to your friends, relatives, or a professor at your institution. A GP is also an excellent place to start, since they can provide you with advice and treatment options if necessary.

Short bursts of tension are common and can be relieved by doing something as easy as finishing a task that reduces your workload, or chatting to people and relaxing.

How to cope with stress?

It may also be beneficial to:

1. Determine what is causing you to be stressed. Is it, for example, examinations, money, or relationship issues? Examine whether you can alter your circumstances to relieve the stress you’re experiencing.

2. Make an effort to live a healthy lifestyle. Eat healthy, get adequate sleep, be physically active (learn how to get active), limit alcohol use, and relax in addition to working and studying.

3. Avoid medicines, particularly those containing a lot of caffeine, since they can have a bad influence on your stress levels and overall health.

4. Make an effort not to be concerned about the future or to compare yourself to others.

5. Relaxation and breathing techniques are recommended.

6. Make an effort to schedule your time in order to keep track of your tasks. To stay on track with deadlines, break things down into small parts.

7. Discuss your tension with a friend, tutor, or a member of your family.

8. Take your attention away from it. Do something you love that will take your mind off things for a bit, such as listening to music, reading, baking, or doing crafts.

9. Consume fresh meals and eat healthily.

10. Make a mental shift and adopt a more cheerful outlook.

11. Take a vacation from your social media accounts. It’s a recipe for disaster to compare yourself and your output to others.

12. Laughing out loud improves oxygen and blood flow, which relieves stress quickly. Spend time with a witty buddy, watch a humorous movie, or purchase tickets to a local comedy club.


If you’ve attempted all of these handling tactics but still can’t break the stress cycle, see your doctor to be sure the symptoms you’re experiencing are stress-related and that there are no fundamental disorders.

Stay Stress-Free

- Swati Kewlani



OrendaCure Chronicles

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