Bullying and Ragging — How do People Feel and Why Does it Happen?

OrendaCure Chronicles
3 min readDec 16, 2021

Bullying is defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as a form of “youth violence” directed against a victim that involves unwelcome hostile conduct from a bully (an individual or a group). Bullying stems from a power imbalance, whether perceived or real, in terms of social rank, wealth, physical strength, or size. Bullying can be repeated over time, causing physical, psychological, social, or educational harm to the victim.

Bullying differs from one-time behaviours or isolated episodes such as disagreements and fights since it occurs over time. The following are examples of bullying behaviours:

  • Tripping, slapping, pushing, or spitting on a victim — physical intimidation or damage
  • Making fun of the victim, taunting, name calling, and/or insults are all examples of social exclusion.
  • Threats, property destruction, and forcing the victim to do something he or she does not want to do are all examples of abusive behaviour.
  • Spreading false information about the victim
  • Through texting, apps, forums, and gaming platforms, cyberbullies harass their victims publicly, privately, and/or anonymously. Cyberbullies’ normal weapons are rumours, threats, and name-calling, but social media and texting allow them to send victims obscene photographs or disseminate images of victims to others.

Mental Health effects of Bullying

Bullying can have a negative impact on students’ mental, physical, and emotional health throughout their school years and into adulthood. It can result in bodily harm, social or emotional problems, and even death in some situations.

Bullied kids and teens are more prone to develop sadness, anxiety, and perhaps long-term self-esteem issues. Victims are frequently lonely. Some victims may retaliate with extreme, unexpected violence; according to stopbullying.gov, the shooters in 12 of 15 school shootings had been bullied.

Bullies are more likely to engage in anti-social, occasionally violent actions such as fighting and destroying property. They frequently experience academic difficulties, sometimes to the point of quitting out. They’re more prone to substance and alcohol misuse. This can persist throughout adulthood, when they are more prone to abuse their partners and marriages, as well as their children, or to commit crimes.

Why does bullying happen?

Bullying occurs for a variety of causes. They are sometimes bullied because they are unusual, or because they are intelligent or popular. Differences in colour, sexuality, religion, impairments and abilities, weight, height, or anything else that separates one child from another can cause it. They’re in the wrong place at the wrong moment at other times.

Bullying students can have troubles and be sad. They may be attempting to compensate for a lack of attention, power, or affection in their own lives by bullying others in order to obtain these. These students have a strong desire to feel powerful, and they appear to relish injuring others. They frequently lack comprehension of the feelings of the person they bully.

Bullying is frequently done in order for bullies to gain power over others and raise their own social position.

  • To gain a sense of authority among their peers.
  • To attract notice or become well-known.
  • They are afraid, so they strive to scare others in order to conceal their sentiments.
  • They are unhappy and vent their frustrations on others.
  • They are the ones that are being bullied.
  • To obtain the items they desire.
  • They want to be like someone they admire.
  • When they are unhappy with themselves or jealous of someone else, to make themselves feel better.
  • Because they believe another member of their group is becoming more popular than they are.
  • They intend to utilise it to persuade people to become their friends.
  • Prejudice
  • Fitting in


Bullying is prevalent in today's world and must be stopped. If the behaviour is persistent it is recommended to seek consultation as early as possible.



OrendaCure Chronicles

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